Root Canals in Bellevue, WA

Root Canals in Bellevue, WA

A root canal is a dental procedure performed to save an infected or severely decayed tooth. It involves removing the infected pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels, from the inside of the tooth. After cleaning and disinfecting the area, the tooth is sealed with a filling material to prevent further infection.

Root canals are essential for relieving pain, preventing the spread of infection to surrounding tissues, and preserving the natural tooth structure, allowing patients to avoid extraction and maintain dental function.

Signs You Might Need a Root Canal

  • Pain that persists or worsens over time, especially when biting down or applying pressure to the tooth, can indicate infection or inflammation in the pulp.
  • Increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages that lingers even after the stimulus is removed may indicate the need for a root canal.
  • Darkening of the tooth may indicate that the pulp inside the tooth is dying or has become infected.
  • Swelling and tenderness in the gums near the affected tooth, often accompanied by a small bump (abscess) that can release pus and cause a foul taste or odor in the mouth, may be signs of a root canal infection.
  • Sensitivity to touch or pressure on the tooth may indicate inflammation or infection deep within the tooth structure.
  • Loosening of the tooth in the absence of injury or trauma can occur as the infection weakens the surrounding bone and tissues.
  • Problems with a previous dental filling or crown may allow bacteria to penetrate deeper into the tooth.

The Root Canal Procedure

The root canal procedure is a crucial dental treatment designed to address severe infections or decay within a tooth's pulp, which houses nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. It begins with a comprehensive evaluation, using X-rays to assess the extent of the damage and plan the treatment.

Once the tooth is numb from local anesthesia, our dentist in Bellevue, WA, creates a small access hole in the tooth's crown to reach the infected pulp chamber and root canals. Next, our dentist uses specialized instruments to meticulously clean out the infected pulp and shape the interior of the root canals. This step aims to remove all traces of infection, bacteria, and debris to prevent further spread and promote healing.

Sometimes, medication may be placed inside the tooth to eliminate any remaining bacteria and reduce inflammation. The cleaned and shaped root canals are then filled with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha, which seals the canals to prevent re-infection.

Finally, the tooth’s functionality and appearance are restored. Depending on the extent of the damage, a temporary or permanent filling is placed in the access hole to seal the crown. A dental crown is often recommended to protect and strengthen the tooth long-term. This crown is custom-made to match the shape and color of the natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and functional restoration.

Post-treatment care includes following dental hygiene practices and attending follow-up appointments to monitor healing and ensure the tooth remains healthy. Contact us today to learn more.

The Advantages of a Root Canal Procedure

Preservation of Natural Teeth

One of the primary benefits of a root canal in Bellevue, WA, is its ability to save a natural tooth that has been severely infected or decayed. Unlike extraction, which removes the entire tooth, a root canal removes only the infected pulp and preserves the outer structure. This preservation is crucial for maintaining jawbone density and preventing adjacent teeth from shifting, which can lead to bite problems and further dental complications over time.

By retaining their natural teeth, patients can continue to enjoy the aesthetics and function of their original smile without the need for artificial replacements.

Alleviation of Pain and Discomfort

Severe tooth pain is often the primary reason for seeking root canal treatment. The procedure eliminates the source of pain by removing the infected pulp, which contains nerves that can become inflamed and sensitive due to infection or trauma.

Once the root canal is completed and the tooth is sealed, patients typically experience immediate relief from pain and discomfort. This enhances their daily quality of life and allows them to eat, speak, and function normally without the constant discomfort associated with dental infections.

Prevention of Further Dental Complications

Infected or decayed teeth left untreated can lead to more extensive dental problems and systemic health issues. The infection can spread to the surrounding gums and bone, resulting in abscesses, bone loss, and even systemic infections if bacteria enter the bloodstream.

By removing the infected pulp and sealing the tooth with gutta-percha, a root canal prevents the spread of infection to neighboring teeth and tissues. This proactive approach not only preserves dental health but also reduces the risk of requiring more invasive and costly dental procedures in the future.

Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness

While some patients may initially consider extraction as a more cost-effective solution, a root canal followed by a dental crown can be a more financially prudent choice in the long run. Preserving a natural tooth through root canal treatment prevents the need for expensive tooth replacement options, such as dental implants or bridges. Additionally, ongoing oral care and maintenance of natural teeth are generally less costly and more straightforward than extensive treatments required after tooth loss.

A root canal is a valuable dental treatment that can alleviate pain, save natural teeth, and prevent further oral health issues. Visit Bellevue Impressions Dentistry at 1811 156th Ave NE, Suite #1, Bellevue, WA 98007, or call (425) 746-8676 to schedule an evaluation and determine if a root canal is the right solution for you.

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Bellevue, WA

1811 156th Ave NE, Suite #1, Bellevue, WA 98007


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(425) 746-8676