Tooth Extractions in Bellevue, WA

Tooth Extractions in Bellevue, WA

Tooth extractions refer to removing a tooth from its socket in the bone. This procedure is typically performed by our dentist in Bellevue, WA, for various reasons, including severe tooth decay, gum disease, dental trauma, overcrowding, or impacted teeth (like wisdom teeth).

The extraction can be simple, involving the removal of a visible tooth, or surgical, requiring an incision in the gum to access a tooth that hasn't fully erupted or is broken below the gum line. Extractions are usually carried out under local anesthesia, though general anesthesia may be used in more complex cases. Post-extraction care is crucial to prevent complications such as infection or dry socket and includes pain management, rest, and following specific oral hygiene instructions.

Types of Tooth Extractions

Simple Extractions

Simple extractions are performed on teeth visible in the mouth that can be easily accessed by the dentist. These procedures are typically conducted under local anesthesia, which numbs the area around the tooth being removed. The dentist begins by loosening the tooth with an instrument called an elevator. Once sufficiently loosened, forceps are used to gently grasp and remove the tooth from its socket.

Simple extractions are commonly used for teeth that are damaged beyond repair due to decay or trauma but are still intact and can be extracted without extensive surgical intervention.

Surgical Extractions

Surgical extractions are more complex procedures necessary for teeth that are not easily accessible or require additional steps for removal. This type of extraction is often performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation to ensure the patient's comfort throughout the procedure. Surgical extractions may be required for several reasons, including impacted teeth, severely fractured teeth that cannot be grasped with forceps alone, or teeth that need to be removed in sections to facilitate extraction.

The dentist begins by making an incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth and bone. In some cases, a small amount of bone surrounding the tooth may need to be removed to access and extract the tooth fully. Once the tooth is extracted, stitches may be required to close the incision and promote proper healing. Contact us today to learn more.

The Advantages of Tooth Extractions

Relief from Pain and Discomfort

Extractions are often necessary for teeth that are severely decayed, damaged, or causing persistent pain. Removing the problematic tooth can provide immediate relief from discomfort and prevent further oral health issues.

Prevention of Infection

Infected teeth can lead to severe oral infections if left untreated. Removing the source of infection through extraction helps prevent the spread of bacteria to other teeth and surrounding tissues, promoting overall oral health.

Treatment of Gum Disease

Advanced gum disease can cause teeth to loosen and become unstable. Extracting affected teeth can halt the progression of gum disease and prevent it from spreading to healthier teeth.

Orthodontic Treatment Support

Tooth extractions are sometimes necessary as part of orthodontic treatment plans to create space for proper tooth alignment. Removing overcrowded or misaligned teeth can facilitate braces or other orthodontic interventions for a straighter smile.

Prevention of Complications

Certain teeth, like impacted wisdom teeth, can cause complications such as infections, cysts, or damage to adjacent teeth if not extracted. Removing impacted or problematic teeth early can prevent these potential issues.

Improved Oral Health

Extractions contribute to overall oral health improvement by removing damaged, decayed, or infected teeth. This reduces the risk of future dental problems and helps maintain a healthier oral environment.

Facilitate Prosthetic Solutions

Tooth extractions in Bellevue, WA, may be necessary to prepare for dental prostheses such as dentures, bridges, or dental implants. Removing damaged or non-restorable teeth creates a stable foundation for prosthetic devices to restore function and aesthetics.

The Tooth Extraction Procedure

The tooth extraction procedure typically begins with a thorough examination performed by our dentist to assess the tooth's condition and determine the best approach for removal. Before starting, local anesthesia is administered to numb the area around the tooth, ensuring the patient's comfort throughout the procedure. For more complex cases or surgical extractions, general anesthesia or sedation might be used to relax the patient or manage pain and anxiety.

Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the dentist uses specialized instruments to loosen the tooth from its socket gently. In a simple extraction, the dentist carefully rocks the tooth back and forth until it can be lifted using forceps. For surgical extractions, an incision may be made in the gum to access the tooth or to remove bone that blocks access. Sometimes, the tooth must be divided into smaller pieces for easier removal.

After the tooth is extracted, the dentist may place stitches to close the gum if necessary. Gauze is then placed over the extraction site to control bleeding and help a blood clot form, which is crucial for proper healing. The entire procedure is typically completed quickly, and post-extraction care instructions are provided to ensure a smooth recovery and minimize discomfort or complications.

Post-Extraction Care

  • Bite gently on a gauze pad placed over the extraction site to reduce bleeding and help a clot form. Change the gauze as needed.
  • Take prescribed pain medications or over-the-counter pain relievers as directed by our dentist.
  • Use an ice pack outside your cheek to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Avoid strenuous activities for at least 24 hours after the extraction.
  • Start gently rinsing your mouth with warm salt water 24 hours after the extraction. For a few days, avoid brushing directly over the extraction site.
  • Stick to soft foods and avoid hot, spicy, or crunchy foods that might irritate the extraction site.

Tooth extractions play a crucial role in maintaining oral health by effectively addressing various dental conditions and preventing potential complications. Visit Bellevue Impressions Dentistry at 1811 156th Ave NE, Suite #1, Bellevue, WA 98007, or call (425) 746-8676 to schedule a consultation and learn more about the benefits of tooth extractions.

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Bellevue, WA

1811 156th Ave NE, Suite #1, Bellevue, WA 98007


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(425) 746-8676